The Top Fruits and healthy lifestyle

As rich sources of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, fruits can help ensure strong immune function, cardiovascular health and brain function. As an athlete,fruits can also help optimize your exercise performance. If you skimp on fruit, on the other hand, your risk for early fatigue and poor workout recovery. Although all fruits are healthy, particular varieties provide exceptional benefits to athletes.


Bananas are top sources of potassium, a mineral and electrolyte, or salt, that conducts electricity in the body. Consuming too little potassium can cause muscle weakness and cramps, fatigue and, in severe cases, abnormal heart rhythms and muscular paralysis. Most people get enough potassium from a balanced diet. But because intense exercise and perspiration causes potassium loss, amping up your potassium intake, particularly following physical activity, is important. Bananas also supply valuable amounts of carbohydrates, which is the top fuel source for your body and muscles.


In addition to providing ample potassium, oranges are optimum sources of vitamin C. Vitamin C may help reduce inflammation and helps your body absorb iron from plant-based foods, like beans and lentils. This is important because athletes, particularly female athletes, are prone to iron deficiencies, according to to scientific research. Because oranges and orange juice also provide plentiful amounts of carbohydrates and water, they can lower your risk for fatigue and dehydration after intense exercise.


In addition to citrus fruits, the nutritionists lists strawberries as optimum sources of vitamin C for athletes. Vitamin C helps your body fend off infections and produce collagen, which holds muscles and bones together. Vitamin C-rich foods also help prevent bruising, by enhancing iron and folate absorption. As fiber-rich foods, strawberries promote blood sugar control and lasting energy between meals.


Many athletes rely on glucose supplements before events for boosted energy and performance. In a study published in the “Journal of Strength and Conditioning Resistance” in 2019, eight endurance athletes consumed a sports gel supplement or raisins containing the same amount of carbohydrates 45 minutes before exercise. Researchers found that the raisins provided the same performance benefits as the sport gel. Raisins are also less expensive than glucose gels and provide significant amounts of other valuable nutrients, including potassium, iron and fiber.

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